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About Conference

We are immensely proud to welcome each and every participant to the International Scientific Meet “5th World Expo on Biopolymers and Bioplastics” scheduled on November 13-14, 2024, at Dubai, UAE. Biopolymer Conference 2024 will be an immense gathering of renowned speakers, students, professors, Businessmen and researchers, who will be participating for the scientific discussion on Biopolymers and Polymer sciences. The conference will hold a variety of critically important sessions for the recent developments and technologies. We are welcoming participants across the globe to present via oral presentation, poster presentation, workshops and exhibition (display products and concepts) video presentation (offline).

Submit your abstract to participate as a presenter in a multicultural environment. We also, invite several renowned keynote speakers for our sessions for delivering a truly memorable learning experience.

Biopolymer Conference 2024 is a 2-day established conference for the development of biopolymers for a future bio economy and new and advanced polymers

Session and Tracks

Track 01: Biopolymers and Bioplastics

Biopolymers are polymers derived from renewable biological sources such as plants or bacteria, offering biodegradability and reduced environmental impact. Bioplastics are a subset of biopolymers, specifically referring to plastics derived from renewable biomass, providing alternatives to conventional petroleum-based plastics and contributing to sustainability efforts

Track 02: Nanotechnology and Nano polymers

Nanotechnology involves the manipulation and control of materials at the nanoscale, typically ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanopolymers are polymer materials with nanoscale features or dimensions, offering unique properties and applications in areas such as drug delivery, tissue engineering, electronics, and coatings, due to their high surface area-to-volume ratio and tailored functionalities

Track 03: Polymer Processing and Modelling

Polymer processing encompasses various techniques used to shape raw polymer materials into finished products, such as extrusion, injection moulding, and blow moulding. Polymer modelling involves the use of mathematical and computational methods to simulate and optimize the behaviour of polymers during processing, aiding in the design and analysis of manufacturing processes and final product properties.

Track 04: Applications of Polymers in Medicine, Health and Biotechnology

Polymers play a pivotal role in medicine, health, and biotechnology, finding applications in drug delivery systems, tissue engineering scaffolds, and medical implants due to their biocompatibility and tuneable properties. Additionally, polymer-based diagnostic tools, such as biosensors and microfluidic devices, enable sensitive detection of biomarkers and rapid analysis of biological samples, advancing healthcare diagnostics and personalized medicine.

Track 05: Bioplastics and Biodegradation

Bioplastics, derived from renewable biomass sources, offer a sustainable alternative to conventional plastics, mitigating environmental pollution and reducing dependence on fossil fuels through biodegradation, these materials can undergo natural decomposition processes, breaking down into harmless compounds under appropriate conditions, further contributing to waste management and environmental preservation efforts.

Track 06: Bio-fibers and Composite Materials

Bio-fibers, sourced from renewable biological materials like plants or animals, are increasingly utilized in composite materials for their lightweight, durable, and eco-friendly properties. These bio-fiber composites, often reinforced with polymers or resins, find applications in automotive components, construction materials, and consumer goods, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional synthetic fibers and contributing to resource conservation efforts.

Track 07: Biocompatibility and Medical Applications.

Biocompatibility is crucial in medical applications, ensuring that materials interact safely with biological systems without causing adverse reactions. Biocompatible materials, such as certain polymers and metals, are widely used in medical implants, prosthetics, and drug delivery systems, facilitating tissue integration and therapeutic efficacy while minimizing risks of rejection or toxicity, thereby advancing patient care and treatment outcomes.

Track 08: Bioengineering and Novel Biomaterials

Bioengineering integrates principles from engineering and biology to develop innovative solutions for medical challenges, including the design of novel biomaterials. These biomaterials, engineered at the molecular level, exhibit tailored properties such as biocompatibility, mechanical strength, and controlled release of bioactive agents, enabling applications in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and drug delivery, thus driving advancements in healthcare and improving patient outcomes.

Track 09: Advanced synthetic polymers

Advanced synthetic polymers are engineered materials with tailored chemical structures and properties, offering versatility, durability, and high performance in various applications. These polymers are designed with specific functionalities such as conductivity, biocompatibility, or self-healing capabilities, driving innovation in industries including electronics, aerospace, biomedicine, and sustainable materials, thus shaping technological advancements and addressing complex societal challenges.

Track 10: Polymer Physics and Chemistry

Polymer physics delves into the study of the physical properties and behaviors of polymer materials, exploring their structure, morphology, and mechanical properties at the molecular level.

Track 11: Bio economy and future of bio-based materials

The bio economy represents a sustainable economic model centered around the utilization of renewable biological resources to produce goods, energy, and services. In the future, bio-based materials are poised to play a pivotal role in advancing this paradigm, offering environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional materials, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting circularity in resource usage, thus driving innovation, economic growth, and environmental stewardship on a global scale.

Track 12: Polymer Degradation and Waste Management

Polymer degradation involves the breakdown of polymer materials into smaller molecules due to various factors such as heat, light, and microbial activity. Effective waste management strategies for polymer materials include recycling, composting, and incineration, aiming to minimize environmental pollution, conserve resources, and promote a circular economy by reintroducing recovered materials into the production cycle.

Track 13: Bio-polymer Manufacturing from Novel Resource

Bio-polymer manufacturing from novel resources involves the utilization of innovative and sustainable biomaterials, such as agricultural waste or algae, as feedstocks for polymer production.


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 13-14, 2024

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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